You should probably wipe them because sometimes they’ve got that product that they’re grown in still on them. Lindsey Powrie7 September 2021
Very rarely does it happen like that. In some supermarkets you’ll see some private labels. Lindsey Powrie7 September 2021
We have a very very concentrated pool of who our supermarkets are and it does give them a lot of purchasing power… Lindsey Powrie7 September 2021
We don’t want eggs getting over 18 degrees, so keeping eggs in a cool dry place like the pantry is the best place to store them. Lindsey Powrie7 September 2021
My personal trick is to get a damp tea towel and wrap anything that’s going to wilt in a damp towel and then put it in the fridge, because the wilting is usually because it’s dehydrated. Lindsey Powrie7 September 2021
So in most cases, growers will aim to pick, pack and ship within in 24 hours Lindsey Powrie1 September 2021
It depends what time of the year it is and what products you’re actually talking about. Lindsey Powrie1 September 2021
Many reasons, but the main reason I keep pigs inside is for animal welfare. Lindsey Powrie31 August 2021
Quality assessments during the growing stage of a crop are vital to ensure that the end product meets our customers specification. Lindsey Powrie31 August 2021